Teacher Resources
We have compiled these FACT SHEETS to share with your students.

Our Changing Earth
This new program has been designed to teach about the importance of protecting and preserving our environment through the understanding and exploring of current environmental issues: sea level rise, climate change, ocean acidification and the need for recycling.

Learn about marine invertebrate characteristics, adaptations, functions, development, conservation and more through live marine invertebrates in our interactive touch tank (field trips only). The program also includes a tour of our world class shell collection as well as a shark feeding presentation. Students get a chance to see and hold mermaids purses, shells, sand dollars, egg cases and more!

Nurse Shark


Reptile Fun


Eastern Screech Owl Facts


Sea Turtle
All About Plants! Learn about native plant species, photosynthesis, plants parts, habitat, growth and products we use every day that are made from plants through seeds, roots, stems, leaves, fruits, live and mounted plant displays, garden tour (field trips only for garden tour) and more!